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Heard of earthing or grounding? Here’s what it means

Heard of earthing or grounding? Here’s what it means

Have you heard of earthing? If you’re in the Goop loop, you may have heard Gwyneth Paltrow, the founder of Goop, praise the practice, which is also known as “grounding.” Earthing refers to the therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electronically reconnect you to the earth. One example is walking barefoot, which has been proven to help all kinds of things, from insomnia to depression to inflammation and more.

So, what’s the science behind grounding, what are the best ways to do it, and what do the benefits look like? Let’s take a look. 

What does science say about grounding?

Grounding (or earthing) is based on the idea that the Earth has a negative electrical charge, which can help neutralise excess positive charge in the body, potentially reducing inflammation and promoting overall health. 

Let’s break it down:

Electrical Charge: The Earth has a negative charge that can help neutralise excess positive charge in the body.

Inflammation: Grounding may reduce inflammation by transferring electrons from the Earth to the body.

Circulation and Sleep: It might improve blood flow and help regulate sleep by affecting stress hormones.

Mental Wellbeing: Connecting with the Earth can enhance mood and reduce stress.

Types of grounding or earthing to try

Don’t worry, practising grounding doesn’t have to be expensive. (In fact, it can be free!) While you can invest in grounding mats and other equipment, it’s certainly not necessary.

Here are some simple ways to start:

Walking Barefoot: One of the easiest ways to ground yourself is by walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand or even mud! 

Lying on the Ground: You can enhance your grounding by lying down on the ground, like on glass in a park or sand at the beach. (Just be careful to avoid any potential hazards.)

Submersing in Water: Being in water, like the ocean, can also provide grounding benefits. (Always prioritise safety when swimming.)

Using Grounding Equipment: Sky looking stormy? You can use grounding tools like grounding mats, which can help you incorporate grounding into your daily routine, no matter the weather.

The benefits of grounding or earthing

  • Grounding connects you to the Earth’s natural healing energy, promoting a sense of balance and well-being.
  • It may help decrease inflammation and alleviate pain, leading to better overall health management.
  • Grounding can help reduce stress, making it easier to relax and feel calm.
  • It has been linked to better circulation and improved sleep quality, contributing to overall vitality.
  • Grounding is a simple practice that doesn’t require much effort, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

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